Cool Hand Ukes Liquidation Sale
Peter Hix Demo's the Kanilea KCS C Tru-RG Concert Ukulele
KoAloha KSR 10AC For Sale
Last one in captivity – Ohana TK-50g – Demo by Peter Hix
Peter Hix Demo of the Ohana CK 570G Concert Ukulele
Shima ukelele demo by Peter Hix
Ohana BK 70 8
Peter Hix Demonstrates the Ohana TK 70 8
Snapz Bridge Pin Puller 2.0 Demo by Peter Hix
Peter Hix demonstrates the Koaloha Pineapple Mango Sunday by Pops
Peter Hix Demo's the Koaloha Purple Pineapple Ukulele
How to think about using a strap on a ukulele
Peter Hix Shows the new Ohana TK 50ME
Peter Hix Shows the Ohana BKT 70G Baritone / Tenor Ukulele
Peter Hix Demonstrates the Ohana CK 50ME Concert Ukulele